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Category: Other proteins required for biofilm formation
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Category: Other proteins required for biofilm formation


4. Lifestyles

4.1. Exponential and early post-exponential lifestyles

4.1.2. Biofilm formation Other proteins required for biofilm formation

ampSrequired for biofilm formation
dhbAbiosynthesis of the siderophore bacillibactin
dhbBbiosynthesis of the siderophore bacillibactin
dhbCbiosynthesis of the siderophore bacillibactin
floTcontrol of membrane fluidity
gpsAbiosynthesis of phospholipids
luxSmethionine salvage
menHbiosynthesis of menaquinone
remAcontrol of biofilm formation
remBregulation of [SW|biofilm formation]
rnyRNA processing and degradation
rqcHrescue of stalled ribosomes
sdhCTCA cycle
sfp/1phosphopantetheinylates a serine residue in each of the seven peptidyl carrier protein domains of the first three subunits of surfactin synthetase (SrfAA-SrfAB-SrfAC) and AcpK
sfp/2phosphopantetheinylates a serine residue in each of the seven peptidyl carrier protein domains of the first three subunits of surfactin synthetase (SrfAA-SrfAB-SrfAC) and AcpK
speAspermidine, polyamine biosynthesis
speDspermidine, polyamine biosynthesis
swrAcontrol of [protein|D343D2096664A972026D911E7A17A35C7B1CD1C9|DegU] activity
swrAA/2essential for swarming differentiation on solid surfaces
yisPcontrol of [protein|A656321846B2E0D1F39B528E2D8B8E620CCD1148|KinC] activity
ylbFcontrol of [protein|872CCB5A49C9000BD95E4B0472556D5F60F7D7A4|RNase Y] activity, see [SW|Targets of the Y complex]
ymcAcontrol of [protein|872CCB5A49C9000BD95E4B0472556D5F60F7D7A4|RNase Y] activity, see [SW|Targets of the Y complex]
yvcAcomplex colony development
ywcCcontrol of [gene|C17C296F3EB2E106C380E3B5D784F3FA63F4C9B7|slrA] expression
yxaBbiofilm formation, survival of salt and ethanol stress